Our Tenant Practitioners

Dr Lindsey Hyde MBBS DRANZCOG MFM (Clinical)
Dr Hyde’s interests include shared care in pregnancy, paediatrics, immunisation, Indigenous health and female health.
Dr Hyde is an accreditor for General Practice Accreditation and is involved in the training of medical students at the University of Melbourne.
Dr Hyde is available on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Dr Philomena Yii MBBS FRACGP
Dr Yii is interested in women’s health, paediatrics and all aspects of family medicine.
Dr Yii is available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

dr Eileen Yap MBBS FRACGP
Dr Yap is interested in preventative medicine, wellness and general medicine. She practices Implanon insertion and removals.
Dr Yap is available on weekdays

Dr Lyndall Cowley MBBS FRACGP
Dr Cowley spent 14 years in emergency medicine before moving to general practice.
Dr Cowley’s interests include all aspects of family medicine, especially children’s and women’s health and family planning. She practises Implanon insertion and removal. She also practises travel medicine. Dr Cowley also prescribes PrEP for eligible patients.
Dr Cowley is a keen educator and is a supervisor of medical students from the University of Melbourne and of GP registrars
Dr Cowley is available on weekdays

Dr Jenni verrocchi BSc MD FRACGP

Dr Sharni Rayner BSc MD fracgp
Dr Sharni Rayner is interested in all aspects of family medicine, with special focus on preventative health, women’s health and infant sleep/settling and feeding including clinical breastfeeding support. She is currently working towards the Diploma of Breastfeeding Management via the Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) and Neurodevelopmental Care (NDC) accreditation via the Possums Clinic.
Dr Sharni Rayner is available on Mondays and Fridays

Dr Alex Sycamnias MD fracgp
Dr Sycamnias has completed the Sydney Children’s Health Program.
He is interested in all aspects of general practice, with particular interests in men’s health, paediatrics and preventative medicine.
He is available Tuesday to Friday
Our Registrar Program
Registrars are fully qualified doctors who are working towards their Fellowship with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.
Registrars undertake 4 rotations in different practices, typically spending 6 months in each rotation.

Dr Steven Ding MD
Dr Ding joins us for a six month rotation. He has worked in hospitals in Sydney and has emergency department experience. He has also been a tutor and examiner in the School of Medicine at the University of Sydney.
He has particular interest in men’s health, women’s health, chronic disease management, paediatrics and travel medicine. He practises implanon insertion and removal.
In addition to English, Dr Ding also speaks Mandarin.
He is available on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays

Dr jean gador-whyte mbbs
Dr Gador-Whyte is interested in all aspects of general practice, with special interests in paediatrics, women’s health and health promotion.
She is the mother of three young children
Dr Gador-Whyte will be with us for six months and is available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays
hannah, Jamie, Jennie, Priscilla, Sharon, Tracey
Our nurses assist our doctors in all aspects of patient care, helping to provide a complete care package from pregnancy and birth, all the way through to aged care and end of life care. Among other things, they attend to vaccinations and wound dressings, care plans and health assessments.
Our nursing team is available Monday to Friday
Management team:
Practice Manager and IT:
Michael HowsamMichael is your first point of contact for non-medical queries about the practice.
You can contact Michael by phone or by email at mikehowsam@reservoirmedical.com.au
Michael is available Monday to Friday -
HR Manager:
Frances Hyde
Frances is available Wednesdays and Fridays. You can contact Frances by phone or by email at fhyde@reservoirmedical.com.au
Business Manager:
Lisa de petro
Lisa is your contact for feedback about the practice, both compliments and complaints. You can contact Lisa by phone, through our feedback box at reception, or by email
at lisa@reservoirmedical.com.au
Lisa is available on Tuesdays and Fridays
Reception team: